Saturday, September 5, 2009

So when you say 'Prehistoric Evolution' ... what do you mean?

I mean that scientific evidence from archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, and paleontologists show that there has been an evolution of bipedal apes since the Miocene epoch. An evolution that links the human kind of today with the great apes, Chimpanzees and Gorillas alike (Tostevin, Tappen). Humans are in the Kingdom of Animalia and therefore we are animals. It would be foolish to assume that only certain species evolve such as Canis lupus or Felis catus, but not Homo sapien. It would be even more foolish to assume that we are not still evolving and changing our entire genetic code with every new child that is born.

This is the argument I made (mostly in my head) with my new roommate - who told me she believes in the evolution of species, but not humans, but mostly she believes in Creationism.

I say mostly in my head because I'm still getting a sense of this new house into which I have moved for this coming year. I live with nine women in an early 1900s house in that neighborhood famous for a riot last year. I am gradually finding out that I do not fit in very well, and finding that the more evident my oddness becomes, the more I want to take a backseat and see how long it takes for everyone to put the following labels on me:

Athiest, Non-believer, member of the Liberal Media, Witch, and Vegan.

But really I don't believe there is a God, I don't think Creationism is a viable explanation for anything, the Earth is over 4.6 billion years old, Dinosaurs were real animals that walked this earth, Barack Obama was born in the United States and is doing a good job as President, I like Harry Potter (among other things) and don't think it is unacceptable to read/watch because it is witchcraft, and yes...I'm vegetarian and I eat tofu, but that soymilk in the fridge doesn't mean I'm vegan (like it's a bad thing?) because if you'll notice, it is sitting next to a carton of eggs.

I am eager to hear misconceptions about myself, and eager to find out what my housemates are all about and shatter my misconception of them: Right-wing, blind Christian followers, intolerant, hypocritical, judgemental.

But wait...judgemental...aren't I? And don't two of them have the same ringtone as I do? And don't we all enjoy pulling little pranks on each other? I mean shouldn't our similarities overcome our differences? I really hope that they do.

1 comment:

  1. Who knows, you might have an influence them...hope everything works out...


Be constructive. Not destructive.